Saturday, October 15, 2011


Howdy y'all. Second post of the morning. That's because I just redesigned my blog. It used to be purple, and fun, and soft. The name USED to be "We Are Here Too". But now, things have changed.

As you can see, I've gone with the title "Monsters in my Clozet". Why did I choose this? It took a lot of thought. I was trying to come up with a little bit of inspiration. What is the one thing that every child fears? Monsters under the bed, or monsters in the closet. And what is the ONE thing that holds back EVERYONE??


And my goal is to get rid of that fear factor. I want to be the most fearless form of myself possible. And I can learn things from everyday life. It's simple, really. I don't like answering the phone. I especially don't like answering the phone when I don't know who's calling. Why is that? FEAR. A lot of people don't like watching scary movies, or going down dark allies, or meeting new people, etc. This is all because of fear. And unless you conquer that fear, you will be living your life in a bubble.

What are the little things that can make your day better? Or the little things you can do to improve yourself? What's so bad about being lonely?

I don't know all the answers. But I DO have a few ideas.


1 comment:

  1. I always think it's interesting to find out what other people are afraid of. Sometimes the most seemingly fearless people are afraid of stuff you'd never imagine. Sometimes they do it anyway, sometimes not so much. I don't hate answering the phone. I hate making phone calls to almost anyone. I'm always shocked when I screw up my courage and, say, call the hair salon and they make an appointment for me as though it's no big deal, it's their job and they do this every day!
