Monday, June 17, 2013

Something Old, Something New

I was looking at all of my old accounts and happened upon this blog. I remember creating it in the 7th or 8th grade, and believing that it could change people's lives. I read through the last several posts I had made, and I was pleasantly surprised. Despite my age, I actually had a lot of interesting things to say. And even more surprising, I share a lot of those same views now. It's funny how you can think that you've changed SO much over the years, but you haven't. Sure, I no longer look like an emo kid who wants to kill people, but I had the same thoughts then as I do now.

We can't change who we are. We can only change how others perceive it.

With that said, I think I might get back into blogging! As an introvert I spend a lot of time up in the old thinker, so it helps to write it down. Even when no one is reading.


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